With reasoning and understanding, House of Intellect represents a powerful mind and body.
The House of Intellect is a representation of a person’s mental capacity, and it signifies a powerful mind and body. A person with a strong intellect possesses the abilities of reasoning and understanding, which are crucial for logical thinking, critical analysis, and comprehending complex concepts. Furthermore, mental and physical health are
interconnected, and individuals with strong intellects tend to be highly motivated and disciplined, leading to good physical health through healthy habits, exercise, and nutrition.

With vigour and firmness, House of Strength represents a powerful and potent force of body and mind.​
The House of Strength represents a powerful and potent force of body and mind, we mean that an individual who possesses strength has both physical and mental robustness. Vigour and firmness are two critical attributes of a powerful and strong body and mind. Vigour refers to having energy, enthusiasm, and vitality, while firmness signifies being resolute, determined, and unwavering. A person with a powerful and strong body and mind is likely to have thecapability to accomplish their goals and overcome challenges.

With courage and bravery, House of Valour represents power and energy in the boldest form
The House of Valour represents power and energy in the boldest form, we mean that an individual who possesses valour has both strength and determination because it embodies courage and bravery, which are essential components of valour. Individuals with valour are likely to exhibit strength and determination, allowing them to take bold actions and make difficult decisions, even in the face of danger or uncertainty

With a vivid imagination and insight, House of Vision represents power of deep conception
The House of Vision is used to refer to a person’s ability to imagine and envision new ideas and possibilities. A person with a strong House of Vision is likely to possess the power of deep conception. This is because their imagination and insightful thinking allow them to see things in a new light and envision possibilities that others may not see. Additionally, individuals with a strong House of Vision tend to be highly creative and innovative, which can help them come up with new ideas and solve problems in novel ways.